تعداد پیشنهادات :6
  کد:1  7/5/2004 a glass of wine
  feranak ha ziadan .... va ahmaghhaee am mese oona ziaadtar .... vali ye chizio yadet bashe .... khoda khabesh borde .....

Sahand Nasimi
  کد:2  7/7/2004
  Mr. Shahin: I am not sure how old you are but you are talking like people with no life experience at all. I am against all kinds of suicides but I do not call them stupid, the way you do. She was just 14 when she got married and you can imagine what must she have gone through. Neither she is old enough to understand the preciousness of the life nor there is any place she could go to get help. I do believe that if in every city there were suicide prevention centers and other programs to help this people, vast majority of these suicides would have been prevented. Instead of cursing the darkness, try to light a candle. These people are not only stupid, but most probably have even higher than average IQ. They see the life' problems as stonewall which seems impossible to climb and they feel there is no other way and the wall become the last station in their life. Were artists such as Sadegh Hedayat, Hemingway, Mayjakovski, Attila Josef, Sylvia Plath and great physicists such as Boltzmann, Paul Ethernets and hundreds of other stupid? When they committed suicide

سیروس شاملو
  کد:3  7/11/2004
  بهر حال با مطالعات عمرانه باید اعتراف کنم زندگی فعلی روی این کره نکبت گرفته چرندتر از آنست که آدم دست به خودکشی هم بزند!

  کد:4  7/11/2004
  men nezerm in est ke mobareze ber alieh vezar mojod tenha rah ast iyn jameaeh est ke amel esli est hokomet eslami ba sherayet aser hejery ke hakem kerde v nezame sermayedari banye merke hezaran ensan bikonah mesle on hetend

  کد:5  8/9/2004
  گاهی انسان نمی داند با عملش چه لطمات جبران ناپذیری بر پیکر اعتقادات پاک انسان وارد می سازد
شاید برداشت غیر قانونی از حساب بانکی بزرگ مرد تاریخ هنر ایران <شاملو >در زمانی که وی هنوز دفن نشده بود ا نهم توسط زنی که زیباترین عاشقانه ها برای او سروده شده بود فجیعترین واقعه ی زنده گی من بود.

  کد:6  1/26/2007

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