تعداد پیشنهادات :12
  کد:1  7/6/2005 www.mano-paltalk.com/zanan/index.htm
  parvin gerami
maghaleh jalebi bod. In gooneh zahamati ke mikeshid, komak-e ziad-i be ashnayee ba tajareb sayer-e noghat-e jahan dare.
merci & movafagh bashi

Farideh Kheradmand
  کد:2  7/7/2005
  با سپاس از شما خانم پروین اشرفی و با قدردانی از زحمات شما در راه برقراری دنیایی بهتر و انسانی تر. فریده

گروه تدارک فوروم اجتماعی ایران
  کد:3  7/7/2005 http://www.iransocialforum.org
  با سلام و خسته نباشید
در سایت فوروم اجتماعی ایران درج شد
شاد باشید

  کد:4  8/28/2005 mano-paltalk
  Sarkotah goret ro gom kon. lajane be ghavareh. to va jado abadet GOHEN

  کد:5  8/28/2005
  Sarboland bechareh besharaf, boro gom sho Komonist . tof be komonist. enja jaee baraye komonist nist

  کد:6  8/28/2005

  کد:7  8/28/2005
  Sarboland meshe goret ro gom koni en charandeyadet kharedar nadareh magar chand ta faheshe ke jereh kharetan . to fasle sharlatan bazet tamameh

erich sychocski
  کد:8  10/10/2005

  کد:9  10/10/2005

  کد:10  11/28/2005
  chand rooz ast ke mano-paltalk dar iran filter mishavad.lotfan rahe obur az filter ra barayam post konid.mercy

  کد:11  9/27/2006 http://www.kgbiz05.com/extra3.html
  Roughly 11 percent of the S&P 500, vernamaeeady com or 56 of the companies that make up the benchmark index, are due to release results next week. Technology and financial companies dominate the list, Butters said,and six components of the Dow industrials are due, including Intel kgbiz05 [URL=http://www.kgbiz05.com/extra3.html] kgbiz05[/URL] http://www.kgbiz05.com/extra3.html After-tax profit margin After-tax profit margin After-tax profit margin

morgage calc
  کد:12  11/13/2006 http://ritim.cba.uri.edu/nugget/
  Gerard K. Nerney sued K-Mart claiming they used his middle initial without his authorization morgage calc [URL=http://ritim.cba.uri.edu/nugget/] morgage calc[/URL] http://ritim.cba.uri.edu/nugget/ list of mortgage companies mortgage interest rate commercial loan rate

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